Adult Acting Classes

Hey Adults.. Interested in the Business?

The Maile Acting School offers an On Camera Acting program just for adults. No matter what age you are there is opportunities in acting, modeling & commercials. Our oldest graduate was 76.

The Maile School’s On Camera Acting program covers many aspects of the industry as well as getting an agent and how to book jobs. Adults train in auditioning, cold reads, commercials, improvisation, performing on camera, character development, improv, interviewing techniques, public speaking and building confidence.

If you want to pursue the business our program includes a professional industry session on breaking into the business where we assist with headshots, casting directors, agents, SAG, contracts, booking jobs, how to avoid scam and so much more.

Other reasons to for taking an acting class is a definite way to get more in touch with yourself. You become more self-aware. You become more confident, more of a team player and a better public speaker.

Why Not Take An Acting Class.. Give it a Try and Better Yourself!

Our next On Camera Acting program for adults is starting on Tuesday, May 8th (12 weeks, 1 day a week from 6pm to 9pm)

The Maile Image, Modeling & Acting School offers classes for adults, teens and kids.

Call today for info at

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