Teleprompter Training at WKMG with Phillip Deems

Teleprompter Training As working actors it is important to keep up with your training and be prepared for any type of audition. Learning how to use a teleprompter can help you stand out from other talent.  Having teleprompter training not only looks good on your...

One Day Workshops at The Maile School

Maile School One Day Workshops One day workshops are a great way for students to sample classes The Maile School has to offer. Each workshop is unique and covers different topics from various programs.  They are perfect for new students who aren’t sure what area...

Teen Modeling at The Maile School

Teen Modeling Program Teen Modeling at the Maile School is a fun and exciting class where students will learn everything about the modeling industry.  Students will also model in one of our runway fashion show productions at the mall in front of a live audience....