Maile School STAR Grad: Rico Sita

 Maile grad Rico Sita is a Designer, Builder, Stand-up Comedian, Actor, Baseball Coach, Husband and Father. If that weren’t enough to do at the same time, he added a new title…Game Show Contestant.

 That’s right… he made it on to the ABC popular show Wheel Of Fortune. He did extremely well walking away with over $8500. Not bad for 20 minutes.

Rico worked in the family business of construction and after much success the economy tanked and people began to panic. But not Rico, he said “I did what most people would do…I became a comedian (it’s cheaper than going to therapy or happy hour). After experiencing this unexplainable feeling of performing I knew I was meant to do more than what I was doing. I was in construction for over 20 years and my soul wanted more. I was approached by producers who wanted me to host a construction reality show on a cable network because of the ability to do stand-up. I thought it was the answer, but they wanted to suppress the comedic side. That wasn’t gonna happen so with some good advice from people around me I created my own show on youtube.”

 A Hollywood producer told Rico to take acting classes so he can learn to be better.

He loves hard work, challenges and he needed to see if this is where he really needs

to be. Fast forward to 2017, Rico enrolled in the adult on camera acting program here at The Maile School and then in the advanced program.

Rico says, “The incredible staff (of working actors) embraced us and passionately taught us what they knew. It gave me the drive and the tools to go after it. Within a few months of graduating I have completed 3 independent short films (2 serious roles and one comedic), a 30 minute independent comedy pilot, a commercial for and oh, that little game show with Pat Sajak!”

We look forward to seeing more from Rico. To keep with him please visit and his website at

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