The Maile Image, Modeling & Acting School is the hub of the entertainment industry and home to John Peros Casting. The school has been working with students and training talent since 1982.  Hundreds of TV commercials, films, industrial and print campaigns are cast at The Maile School by John Peros Casting.

John is the owner of John Peros Casting, one of the top casting companies in the South East.  He has worked on projects & casted for clients such as Publix, SeaWorld, Busch Gardens, Papa Johns, Nickelodeon, ESPN, All Major networks, as well as episodic TV,  films, music videos & print campaigns.  John is an acclaimed actor, producer, director & playwright.

We are excited that John is holding a hands on Commercial Audition Workshop for adults here at The Maile School on Sunday, March 11th from 1pm to 4pm.

Don’t miss your chance to train with the best as John will simulate the audition
process.  Learn the dos and don’ts of the industry, cold reads, improvisation, on camera auditioning and so much more. Seating is limited.

 Invest in your career today and call The Maile School 407-628-5989!

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